Twilio Talk 回顧 Twilio Talk Review

Asiabots Limited
2 min readDec 12, 2019


上周二的Twilio Talk in Hong Kong 完滿結束,無法抽空出席當日活動的你,不妨看看我們今天的A.I. Blog回顧吧!作為Twilio其中一個的搭檔,當天Asiabots亦展示了與Twilio有關聯的產品示範。

Twilio Talk in Hong Kong last Tuesday round off successfully. For those who were not able to join the event, let’s review it by reading our A.I. Blog today! As one the partners, Asiabots demonstrated some products that use Twilio’s skills.

1. Lead to Sales Engine

這個即將正式上線的產品,就讓我們賣點小關子,於下周的A.I. Blog正式與大家見面吧!

This product will be officially announced in the future. So allow us to keep it secret for now, let’s meet it in the A.I. Blog next week!

2. Airline A.I. Ambassador

有看過我們以前的A.I. Blog的朋友,應該對我們的A.I.服務大使並不會陌生。當天我們亦示範了把虛擬服務大使放進航空業能在哪些地方發揮其最大的效用。客人預訂機票後便會收到航空公司的確認電鄱後、同時亦會收到邀請客人使用虛擬服務大使的鏈結,服務大使會提供各式各樣的資料予客人,如:當地的天氣、時差注意事項和收拾行李的提醒等等。客人與服務大使亦可安排自己的行程、預訂機上免稅品及預約貴賓室服務,務求令客人還沒有到達機場前就已安排好自己的行程,省略服務員安排及客人等待的過程。不單事前服務,到達機場後服務大使亦會出現在登機櫃檯、貴賓室及閘口服務客人,以達到全程安排貼心服務的嶄新體驗。

You must not be not familiar with our A.I. Ambassador if you have read our A.I. Blog before. We also demonstrated applying our A.I. Ambassador into airline corporation. Guests could receive an invite link to use virtual A.I. Ambassador along with the confirmation email. Ambassador could provide various useful information to the users, like destination weather, jet lag information and luggage package reminder. Users can arrange their flight plan with the ambassador, buying in-flight tax-free product and reserving lounge service. Allowing guests pre-planed their journey before they arrive to the airport, so that the guests do not need to wait. The ambassador not only appear in the chatbot, but also at the check-in counter, lounge and gate to serve the customer better with an unique flight experience.

3. A.I. Housekeeper


Our last demo is our A.I. Housekeeper! You can control turning on or off your electrical appliances in case of you forget to turn them off. We also demonstrated that, with the assistance of our housekeeper, it can call you directly if it senses that abnormal usage is happening.

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Asiabots Limited
Asiabots Limited

Written by Asiabots Limited

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