你還在用電郵宣傳嗎?現在已經out-dated啦!Still using Email Marketing? It’s out-date already!
對普遍大企業來說,Email Marketing為他們經常使用的一種Marketing方案,但對於中小企來說,這種被動又過份公式化的宣傳方案,又是否切合您的企業形象呢?何不考慮我們Asiabots最新推出的Lead-to-Sales Engine呢?
For most of the large enterprises, email marketing is one of the often-used marketing plans. For small and medium enterprises (SME), is this passive and almost too official way suits your brand? Why not consider Asiabots’ new product Lead-to-Sales Engine?
For Hong Kong people, what they usually use the most is communication applications, but not email. These marketing mail usually goes to junk mailbox, or is directly swiped to rubbish bin. Unless you state ‘PROMOTION’ in the title, if not, the open rate and click rate are usually low.
Why not consider our Lead-to-Sales Engine? Our engine provides you a whole new marketing way, allowing you to actively give out your hot promotion and event information to your customers, but not passively waiting your guests to approach you.
如果想要知道更多有關Lead-to-Sales Engine的資訊,請電郵info@asiabots.com,獲得更多適合你的資訊及示範。
Please email info@asiabots.com if you want to know more about Lead-to-Sales Engine.
A.I. Blog by Asiatbos: https://www.asiabots.com/ai-blog