探究日本人工智能(2) A.I. Technology in Japan(2)
We talked about artificial intelligence technology in Japan on Tuesday. Let’s talk about their use case today!
1. 東京JR車站 (JR Stations in Tokyo)
There are much more than train service in JR Stations in Japan. Usually there are shopping malls, restaurants, metro stations operated by other companies, connected to these JR Stations. We could call they diversity of service, but at the same time, it is far too complicated to foreigners. Therefore, they set up the A.I. Ambassador as a customer service centre, offering assistance, showing them the way and answering enquiries to guests.
2. 大型商店導覽 (Guide in Shops)
SHIBUYA 109 and Amiami Akihabara also introduced the use of A.I. to answer customers’ inquiries. They could also guide the customers the the floor where the product they are looking for. Making use of A.I. Ambassador could raise sales and provide an unique shopping experience to customers. The target customers of these shops are mostly teenagers, who have a relatively higher acceptance and usage of new technology. To cater to the target, the ambassador is designed cuter and more fashionable.
Different kinds of use cases from Tifana proves that artificial intelligence could be used in real business. How could we not improve ourselves? We, Asiabots can also provide suitable A.I. services to your corporation. Not only customizing your own A.I. Ambassador, our excellent text to speech engine (TTS Engine) supports various language, in which Cantonese stands out the most, allowing you to serve your local customers also.
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