Asiabots Limited人工語音革命: 與HK01一同探索Asiabots的語音合成技術我們早前受HK01團隊訪問,提到有關Asiabots自行研發的語音合成引擎。技術雖強大,但仍需正確使用喔!💡✌️Jul 5, 2023Jul 5, 2023
Asiabots LimitedRevolutionizing Voice Cloning: HK01 Spotlights our Groundbreaking Text-to-Speech EngineThrilled to be part of the insightful article by HK01, highlighting our self-developed revolutionary Text-to-Speech Engine. Using…Jul 5, 2023Jul 5, 2023
Asiabots LimitedThe Strongest AI: ChatGPT X ChatbotChatGPT becomes a hot issue related to its unexpected ability in answering questions from various aspects, especially since no training is…Feb 17, 2023Feb 17, 2023
Asiabots Limited串接ChatGPT與Chatbot在一起將得出現今世代最強AI?ChatGPT 近日在網絡上火爆走紅,主因它的解答能力超越了大眾想像,不需額外Training已可直接使用已可解答不同範疇裡相關且詳盡的答案。Feb 17, 2023Feb 17, 2023
Asiabots LimitedAsiabots was awarded the Retail Innovation Award 2022, turning a new page for AI retail industryAsiabots Limited was awarded the Best Retail Innovation (Startup) Bronze Award of Retail Innovation Award 2022 held by Hong Kong Retail…Nov 4, 2022Nov 4, 2022
Asiabots Limited信報專訪:AI客服懂多種語言解人才荒 累積經驗成企業寶貴資產信報財經新聞期下的StartUp Beat早前與Asiabots的共同創辦人及財政總監岑潮輝及業務拓展總監趙達良,探討AI客服的發展前景。想要了解更多關於如何於各大產業中應用人工智能方案,歡迎閱讀StartUp Beat的專訪了解更多。Sep 21, 2022Sep 21, 2022
Asiabots LimitedHKEJ Exclusive Interview: Multilingual AI Ambassador becomes a solution towards labour shortageStartUp Beat of HKEJ held an interview with Chris Shum, Co-founder and CFO, and Terence Chiu, Business Development Director, of Asiabots…Sep 21, 2022Sep 21, 2022
Asiabots LimitedThe ultimate guide to Conversational IVR: don’t lose out on this A.I.What is IVR and how it helps revolutionise customer service experience? Asiabots is here to provide comprehensive, ready-to-use IVR…Apr 20, 2022Apr 20, 2022
Asiabots Limited一文了解互動式語音應答(IVR):別錯過這場客戶服務體驗的AI革命在這個愈發電子化的世界,不同工商行業都在尋找創新又物有所值的解決方案來提升客戶服務體驗。互動式語音應答(IVR)具有高度客製化、全天候大批量任務管理、全渠道多語言支持等特點,徹底改革客戶服務體驗,快來了解IVR及Asiabots的IVR產品如何能幫助你的公司突破創新吧!Apr 20, 2022Apr 20, 2022
Asiabots LimitedMeet your personal AI therapist today to relieve “pandemic fatigue”!Years of fighting COVID-19 and enduring existing social restrictions leave Hong Kong with “pandemic fatigue”. A.I. therapist can help!Apr 6, 2022Apr 6, 2022